Wednesday, October 24, 2007

I Love Wednesdays

Really, I do.

It's always been a great day for me, no clue why. Like for example, today I actually slept for ELEVEN hours (as compared to a half an hour), when the past two days I was called an insomniac.

Really no clue why I didn't, and I know I've said this before...

But I felt like a pregnant woman on crack. You know bi-polar people? Well in this case it was an understatement, its like being on a big roller coaster ride where the slightest turn makes you go crazeeee....

Heh, let's just say I dont really run well without sleep. Sleep is probably the best friend I have...hahahaha. So thats my excuse for the last post, or we could just call it a 'crackdown' (like I dubbed it)...

Anyways, moving on from my sleeping disorder, I have wonderful news and I just wanted to congralulate my beautiful sister Abi on their new...*drum roll*

Baby! Oh, I love babies, most especially when they're related to me, I can't wait to see her and oogle her and change her diapers and...err, getting a bit ahead of myself, but I'm really really happy even though I haven't even seen a picture of her yet.

My niece Jenness was born on the 21st of October (a true libra, I love libras) at 10 oclock in the morning in CalIfornia (best place in the world). Anyhow...

Congrats you guys, I'll be wishing you the best and more, will pray for the stuff down in San Diego so you guys can get settled in. :) (Smile)

- Little Miss Fisher

1 comment:

Rosita said...

Nathalie... (I spelled it right!!!)... you are positively CRAZZZEEEE... and totally superstitious about the "Days of the Week"... every day can be a good day... 'cause we're living it for Jesus... Amen? ILY!